Archive of Gestures: Becoming In/Visible
research, digital collage, performance
by Elske Rosenfeld & Olia Sosnovskaya
A collaborative performance looks into forms of in/visibility in historical and recent instances of revolution and protest. Small, almost imperceptible gestures, forms of building political moves and structures that happen out of sight, underground, in the shadows, political energies that ferment or continue under the surface are modes of being political that precede, outlast and carry political dissent and sudden upheavals. Conceived as a conversation between the experience of the 2020 revolution in Belarus, and the forgotten emancipatory history of the 1989/90 revolution, the performance is part of Rosenfeld's long-term research project Two artists circle around notions of movement and “non-movement” (Asef Bayat), “weak resistance” (Ewa Majewska), and “sick woman theory” (Johanna Hedva), opacity and performativity, asking how it is possible to repeat or rehearse the (in)visible gestures of revolution.
Photo credit: Jonáš Verešpej; Serena Lee